Premium Tech Tool
September’s Frequently Asked Questions
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Below are the 5 Most Common Questions and their Solutions.
1. What does Bendix DTC SPN 1067 FMI 7 mean?
This means that the brake switch(s) are not calibrated. With the truck air system charged, key on and wait a few seconds, then press the brake pedal firmly and hold for 5 seconds, then release.
2. When attempting to program an ECU, I get error 155. What does this mean?
Error 155 is a general “failed to program and can have a couple of causes.
Ensure that the adapter is properly connected. If attempting to program a module that is on the ISO (DL2) data link, test the ISO at the Diagnostic connector for proper resistance of 60 ohms.
3. Using the VOCOM II Adapter, Tech Tool shows I’m connected but it’s not reading the product?
Below is a list of Troubleshooting Steps. After each step retry connecting to vehicle.
1. Use the LOG MANAGER to restart the BAF. 2. Open the VOCOM II Configurator (located start menu under VOCOM II folder) to verify the adapter is identified, run the connectivity check (located under the menu button) for possible firewall issues and run a test by selecting the TEST tab for possible vehicle issues. 3. Inside Tech Tool select “Latest selection” to remove the Chassis history.
4. I can’t Login to Tech Tool, what could be the cause?
a} If your login attempt fails and you get a message that your User ID or Password is Invalid. Then recheck both and try again. Still fails? Go to password website and select “forgot your password” to reset your account
b} If your login attempt fails and you get “User is not authorized” then this is related to the Client ID. Please contact the Dealer Support center (DSC) help desk.
5. I connect Tech Tool to the truck and some of the ECUs are missing from the Product Status, what should I do?
First ensure that the key is on, then check the batteries, connections and connect battery charger. Cycle the battery power switch (if equipped) and test the switch.
If problems persists, check to see if this is a truck issue, Tech Tool issue or communication adapter. If you are using the Vocom II, use the Vocom II Configurator and select Test tab and run the test to see the status of the truck.
This will help you determine if the truck is the issue.
License Agreement | 2016 On Board Diagnostics (OBD) Changes
ECU Emissions Programming Offering
The ECU programming for OBD2013 and newer emissions vehicles will include programming for the Engine ECM, Aftertreatment Control Module (ACM), Transmission ECU (TECU) and Vehicle ECU. We are required to provide access to program certain emissions related ECU’s under the Service Information Requirement law, step 2013. Both the EPA and CARB require this. The following EPA software reprogramming requirement is described on page 8418 EPA OBD & SIR: 40 CFR Part 86.010-38.